I’ve never been to Egypt

So I was reading through Leviticus(ha, I’ve never started a sentence with that phrase), as part of a Bible reading plan. It’s the 90 day plan, so it’s a lot of reading everyday. Now if you’ve never read Leviticus, let me sum most of the 27 chapters up for you: it’s pretty much God telling the Israelites how to deal with people that have skin diseases, skin boils, rashes, moldy houses, and a bunch of other stuff that will make you glad you didn’t eat just before reading. The whole time I was reading through this, I kept thinking, “Why would God put this in here? I totally understand why it was important for the Israelites at that time, but seriously?” But I guess the whole time I was saying that, God was probably saying, “Ken, just chill out, hold on, I have something pretty awesome for you. Reading through all this will be worth it.” Then it happened, chatpter 26, verses 12 and 13…”I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves to the Egyptians; I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with heads held high.” I’ve never been to Egypt, never been a slave to an Egyptian, but I’ve been held captive and been a slave to my sin. But now I am no longer, I can walk with my head held high. Thank you, God.

Here we go…

I have a lot of thoughts.  I have things I want people to hear.  I have images and videos I want people to see.  I have parts of my life that I want to share with everyone.  Now I have a place to post all of those.  I had a blog before, but I let it get stagnant, and nobody likes something that’s been stagnant.  So I started over.  I hope you enjoy living life with me.  I hope some things you read or see on here are thought provoking, but if not, that’s ok too.