Rain vs Shower

The other day, after leaving the gym, I went back home to my apartment, in desperate need of a shower. While on the way home, it started to rain, pretty heavily. At first I was annoyed with it, but then I thought, “it would be nice to have some soap right now, I could shower in the rain and save time!” But I didn’t have soap. So when I got home, I walked through the parking lot in the rain, to get inside and take a shower, then it hit me…”why do I get aggravated by the rain, but welcome the shower? I mean, the only difference in walking in the rain and standing in the shower, is clothing. Well that, and the fact that I can control the shower.” Then it hit me again (yeah, ‘it’ hits me a lot), “I know what it is…I can’t control the rain!” Well I also can’t walk around naked, but the ‘controlling’ thing is what’s most important here. See when I’m in the shower, I’m in control of everything, I’m prepared for everything that happens during and after the shower. But in the rain, I have no control at all. I can’t turn off the rain when I’m ready for it to stop. I can’t adjust the temperature of the rain. I can’t press a button and control how hard the water falls, like I can do on my shower head. But you know, walking in the rain is so much more fun when I realize that I don’t have control. When I just let the rain do it’s thing, and go with it, I can enjoy the freedom that comes with not having to be in control.

Isn’t that what life is like with God? Seriously, I’ve been shown so many times, how insignificant and meaningless my plans are. I mean, when God is going to do something, He’s going to do something, and me trying to hold on to whatever little bit of control I think I have, isn’t going to change anything. One of two things happen when I try to maintain control: Either I go with the flow of things, but stay aggravated and ticked off, or I say “No, I’m going to do things my way” and stubbornly walk right out of God’s plan.

But think of this, how awesome would it be to just surrender everything, EVERYTHING, to God, and be confident in the fact that He has your best intentions in mind. He wants what’s best for you, and what glorifies Him most…and that’s what this life is about, making most of God!

So what would your life look like if you were to take part in this beautiful surrender? What if you could just fall right in to whatever it is God is doing, and go along for the ride? Maybe, just maybe, walking in the rain would look a little less like this…james dean
…and start to look a little more like this…dancing 1 …or maybe even a little like this…dancing 2


  1. hey baby! love your new post! thank you for putting it up. SO TRUE!

  2. Thank you Ken! Have been sick the last couple of days and needed this. I think we could all learn how to slow down and let go of the control a little more! We could also learn the joy of a child again and learn to smile and play in the rain a whole lot more…
    Thanks Again!

  3. Good word, friend. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Hey Ken –
    Just wanted to thank you for this blog. Especially liked the control thing. No matter how old we are or how long we have been walking with God, it all comes down to who is going to have control. It’s a daily decision. And as we walk with Him and learn Him and know Him, it’s easier to trust Him. But it never really is easy to abandon so unreservedly – but it’s always life changing when we do.
    Thanks again for your transparency. Like reading your stuff!

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